Paula Herrera
Director of Sourcing & Program Planning
Born in Venezuela and raised in South Florida, Paula grew up experiencing two cultures coming together. She first got the travel bug while studying abroad in London. She enjoys exploring new cities, cultures, and local cuisine, and seeing how different groups of people come together and interact. At Thallo, Paula’s is responsible for the site selection process and program planning of Thallo’s clients. She is passionate about aligning her client’s meeting objectives and attendee demographics with a destination and venue that is both functional and enjoyable.
Before joining Thallo, Paula was part of the DRP Intl team, where she sourced destinations and hotels, as well as created email marketing campaigns and content for the blog. Paula is a graduate of Florida State University, where she majored in Studio Art and Editing & Writing Media. When she’s not at work, you can often find her in her kitchen baking something delicious or spoiling her two cats with new toys and treats.

Do you have a major meeting or conference coming up?
Fill out this form or give us a call to get the conversation started. You can alternately upload your RFP or download our template to fill out. The choice is yours.